QuadRep Electronics [Taiwan] Ltd

QuadRep-- Precision laser measurement under the interference of dirty cutting fluid on CNC machining

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Precision laser measurement under the interference of dirty cutting fluid on CNC machining

CNC tool machining often uses the cutting fluid repeatedly and the liquid that is become dirty when it opaque and has iron filings inside.

When a machined object is processed by the CNC machine, after process, it is usually remove the machining object out the CNC machine to do the dimension measure. If the measurement show problem, it requires restore the machined object back to CNC machine to do the secondary processing.

This video shows the dimension measured by the Line laser under the interference of the dirty cutting fluid on the machining object.

A. You can measure machined object inside CNC machine.

B. The first part of film shows that when the amount of dirty cutting fluid covered is large (whole bottle cap), the measured value will have a small different, 2.3443mm vs. 1.9927mm

C. The second part of film shows that when the amount of cutting fluid covered is very small (painted with a cotton swab), there is no different in the measured value. 2.3719mm vs. 2.3859mm

For video demonstration please link to Precision laser measurement under the interference of dirty cutting fluid on CNC machining


Please contact us for any inquiries, thank you.  E-mail: sales@quadrep.com.tw

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QuadRep Electronics [Taiwan] Ltd